myMNW › Selva dei Molini weather station (BZ) /

Selva dei Molini weather station (BZ)

Rating: (97.8 %)

MeteoNetwork certified weather station - MeteoNetwork network

Monthly and yearly extremes

Variable Monthly extremes (05-2024) Yearly extremes (2024) Absoute Extremes
Temperature 21.3°C (2024-05-11)
3°C (2024-05-04)
26.8°C (2024-04-07)
-15.9°C (2024-01-20)
32.6°C (2022-07-20)
-19.4°C (2021-02-14)
Pressure 1020 hPa (2024-05-13)
1005.4 hPa (2024-05-13)
1041.6 hPa (2024-01-28)
990.5 hPa (2024-03-27)
1045.2 hPa (2023-12-17)
988.5 hPa (2020-12-28)
Rain Unable to retrieve data Unable to retrieve data 63.8 mm (2020-12-05)
992 mm (2021)
0 mm (2024)
Wind Unable to retrieve data Unable to retrieve data Unable to retrieve data