myMNW › Vandoies weather station (BZ) /

Fundres Malga Stutzen - Vandoies weather station (BZ)

Rating: (82.8 %)

MeteoNetwork certified weather station - MeteoNetwork network

Monthly and yearly extremes

Variable Monthly extremes (05-2024) Yearly extremes (2024) Absoute Extremes
Temperature 13.9°C (2024-05-12)
-0.3°C (2024-05-04)
17.2°C (2024-04-07)
-8.1°C (2024-02-24)
24.2°C (2023-08-23)
-18°C (2021-02-13)
Pressure Unable to retrieve data Unable to retrieve data Unable to retrieve data
Rain Unable to retrieve data Unable to retrieve data Unable to retrieve data
Wind Unable to retrieve data Unable to retrieve data 76 km/h (2022-01-30)