Lucera weather station (FG)
Lucera2 weather station (FG)
(100 %)
MeteoNetwork certified weather station - MeteoNetwork network - CC-BY 4.0
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Place: Lucera (IT)
Location: Lucera2
Instrumentation: Ecowitt ws 90 con pluviometro wh40 e Gateway GW2000
Latitude: 41.502 N
Longitude: 15.347 E
Altitude: 204 mslm
Height from the ground: 190 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: urban
Type of location: roof
Monthly ranking:
Yearly ranking:
Location: Lucera2
Instrumentation: Ecowitt ws 90 con pluviometro wh40 e Gateway GW2000
Latitude: 41.502 N
Longitude: 15.347 E
Altitude: 204 mslm
Height from the ground: 190 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: urban
Type of location: roof
Monthly ranking:
Yearly ranking:
A Lucera, le estati sono lunghe, con caldo asciutto e preval. sereno. Gli inverni sono spesso ventosi e parzial. nuvoloso.In questi ultimi anni poco piovosi con temperature miti(generalmente) Durante l'anno, la temperatura in genere va da 3 °C a 40 °C ed è raramente inferiore a -1 °C o superiore a 37 °C.
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