Roma weather station (RM)
Roma -Batteria Nomentana- weather station (RM)
MeteoNetwork certified weather station - MeteoNetwork network - CC-BY 4.0
Monthly and yearly extremes
Variable | Monthly extremes (10-2024) | Yearly extremes (2024) | Absoute Extremes |
Temperature | Unable to retrieve data | Unable to retrieve data |
-4.4°C (2018-02-28) |
Pressure | Unable to retrieve data | Unable to retrieve data |
1035.7 hPa
980.2 hPa (2015-01-30) |
Rain | Unable to retrieve data | Unable to retrieve data |
65.3 mm
998.5 mm (2018) 393.9 mm (2017) |
Wind | Unable to retrieve data | Unable to retrieve data | 82.1 km/h (2018-10-29) |