myMNW › Bassano Romano weather station (VT) /

valle della Piena - Bassano Romano weather station (VT)

MeteoNetwork certified weather station - MeteoNetwork network - CC-BY 4.0

Webcam and details

Place: Bassano Romano (IT)
Location: valle della Piena
Instrumentation: Termometro Vaisala Pt 100 UNI7937 gr1 – Young/Gill aspirated radiation shieldIgrometro Vaisala INTERCAP - Young/Gill aspirated radiation shield Pluviometro Young 0,2 mm Anemometro Young/Gill microvane- 3 cup anemometer mod 12002 Sensore temperatura suolo Lastem DLE041 Pt 100 DIN-A
Latitude: 42.22 N
Longitude: 12.17 E
Altitude: 392 mslm
Height from the ground: 170 cm
Shielding: standard
Kind of station: urban
Type of location: open field

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